Monday, May 9, 2016

St. John's Tavern (Defiance Crescent News 1 Aug. 1932)

Image result for tobacco
Tobacco  Plants

    Many have a recollection of the Jack St. John's tavern which existed in the structure that is now the farm house on the old Kruminel farm out along the Ayerville road. This farmhouse, the east and West portion of which together with the north wing formed the old tavern, was erected by a carpenter named Henry Newton Stites.
    In its heyday it was the only stopping place along the mud road between Ayerville and Defiance and its custom was increased by the fact that St. John's large tannery just across the road from his hostelry. Signs of the old pit are still visible and Mc Gaffick says that from this hole he has drawn countless tanks of water for the steam threshing rigs with them he has been associated.
    St. John's was quite a farmer in addition to these activities and Ike recalls that during the Civil War he had a 16-acre field of tobacco in new ground on the farm now owned by Sam Maddock of Ayerville. He and his two older brothers worked at setting out plants and picking worms for wages of 25 cents a day, dinner and supper, and money!

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